Policies & Guidelines

For individuals, parents or anyone interested, who are new to the sport or curious about it

(and a gentle reminder to some of our more experienced folks ๐Ÿ˜‰)

I. Spirit of the Game

The core principle of any disc sport is the principle of Spirit of the Game (commonly called SoTG). Ultimate more than any other sport strives to incorporate all of these principles, in every level of play: from beginner-focussed pickups to International Championship games. This makes it a great gateway for individuals who are keen to play team sports.

For more experienced players, there are a few additional policies and guidelines that you must be aware of and abide by, should you wish to be/are a CTFDA member

II. Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct.docx

III. Anti-harassment Policy

Anti-Harassment Policy.docx

IV. Inclusion Guidelines

This is not a policy document, but guidelines that are meant to help create an inclusive and safe environment for all CTFDA members.

CTFDA Inclusion Guidelines