Discs for Ultimate - 175g
Discs for Ultimate - 175g
Cape Town Ultimate
Cape Town Ultimate
Order and find out details in the form below:
University of Cape Town Ultimate UCTU - Ikey Tigers
University of Cape Town Ultimate UCTU - Ikey Tigers
Available at UCT Sports Center Office, Mon-Fri 8:30am - 3:30pm
Call 021 650 3563
UCT Club members R200; Non-members/Public - R250 - CARD ONLY
GFDA - Gauteng Flying Disc Association
GFDA - Gauteng Flying Disc Association
Discraft UltraStar - WHITE
SMS 084 452 4238 OR 072 860 1011
R220 excluding delivery, bulk discounts available
For custom designs:
For custom designs:
International Suppliers - also supply discs for Disc Golf & other accessories
International Suppliers - also supply discs for Disc Golf & other accessories
Aria - US online store
Discraft - US online store
Eurodisc - UK online store
Other stuff
Other stuff