UCT Ultimate

For more information visit our Facebook or Instagram pages or email uctultimate.info@gmail.com

Location of home fields: 

Woolsack Oval, UCT Middle Campus

Club Background

UCT Ultimate (UCTU) had its first practice in November 2009, and was recognised at the University of Cape Town as an official sports club in February 2010 – the first official university ultimate club in Africa. Its membership base has grown from strength to strength starting out with about 20 social players in 2009, growing to nearly 70 members by the end of 2010, and numbers currently close to 100 members and growing.

UCT’s competitive teams are full of athletic and passionate players that always challenge and often surprise the more experienced club teams in both the completive Cape Town leagues and the South African national tournaments. UCTU has also organised several extremely successful hat and club day tournaments open to the greater Cape Town community, which will continue to be an annual feature in the Cape Town ultimate calendar. UCTU also runs its own 55 player strong internal league from August to September.

UCT Ultimate’s mission is first and foremost the development and promotion of ultimate as a university sport. We host social pickup on Fridays which is strictly non-competitive and aimed to introduce new players to the game. Wednesdays are the official days for the training and development of UCTU’s members, who span the entire spectrum of brand new to experienced players. Closer to big tournaments the 1st and 2nd teams use Saturday mornings for a more dedicated practice.

In 2012 Stellenbosch and Wits Universities joined UCT with the formation of their own ultimate clubs. A landmark occasion was our country’s first official intervarsity ultimate game on the 1st September 2012 when UCT took on Stellenbosch in the (also first) annual intervarsity competition between the two universities. We look forward to further development of ultimate and friendly rivalry with other universities.

UCT Ultimate has provided a unique and valuable recruiting and training ground for new players, with graduating players feeding into the other Cape Town clubs and the greater South African ultimate community, and we hope to continue to grow and develop the sport in our city and country. Come rain or sunshine, UCT Ultimate is about playing the game, great parties and meeting people from all walks of life.

Training frequency:

Wednesdays (compulsory for competitives) 17:30-19:30, Woolsack

Thursdays 17:30-19:30, Woolsack

Friday (casual pickup), 17:00-19:00 Woolsack

Saturday (compulsory for competitives) 09:00-12:00, Woolsack

Club ethos:

UCTU is firmly committed to the development of ultimate in SA and caters to all players, from those just starting out to those who want to play at the highest competitive level. UCTU holds spirit of the game in the highest regard, and aims to produce competitive, spirited teams for all the major tournaments in SA. Fun and enjoyment are of paramount importance to UCTU and we love to share our love of the game with new players.

We also host the following one-day tournaments: May-Day hat tournament, UCT indoor tournament.

What kind of player would be a good fit with your club?

Players must be registered as students at UCT or be employees of UCT. We have 3 levels of Ultimate represented: competitive, developing (toward competitive) and social.